Violence Prevention East
Posted 13 September 2012, 9:16 am NDT
Date: Monday, Sept 17,2012
Time: 6:30pm
Location: Meet in front of the FireHall
Members of the community of all ages are encouraged to attend
Information Displays,Refreshments and Prizes.
Posted 13 September 2012, 9:13 am NDT
Date: Thursday, Sept13,12
Time: 6:00pm
Location: Meet in front of Youthtube 8 Thompson Place Clarenville
Members of the community of all ages are encouraged to attend.
Information Displays, Refreshments and Prizes.
Posted 13 July 2012, 11:07 am NDT
You are invited to a musical drama " Spancel" for seniors anyone who may work with seniors on July 15,2012, at the Clarenville Events Centre 2:00pm. Spancel is a musical drama which tells the compelling tale of an old fisherman by weaving nostalgic Newfoundland and Irish language songs throughout the play.
Admission is free and refreshments will be served.
Posted 11 June 2012, 9:43 am NDT
World Elder Abuse Awareness Day is June 15th. 41.8% of people in the Eastern Region who participated in the 2010 Provincial Survey of Attitude Towards Violence and Abuse were very concerned for the Older Persons.
Posted 08 March 2012, 1:33 pm NST
International Women's Day is celebrated worldwide March 8. It was started in 1908 where women join forces to march to Union Square demanding higher wages,better living and working conditions, and the right to vote!
Today March 8/12 at our local CYN in Clarenville, Eastern Region Committee Against Violence will partner with Women In Resource Development to celebrate with our local girls youth. We will host a lunch and some information for the girls. This years theme is "Connecting girls, inspiring futures"
March 28/2012 we will host a lunch with the Family Resource Centre's Healthly baby group of mothers in Bonavista, to celebrate International Women's Day.
Posted 07 February 2012, 3:29 pm NST
February 2012 is Violence Prevention Month. Look at Upcoming Events!
Posted 05 December 2011, 10:06 am NST
Decemeber 6, 2011 there will be a Remembrance Day Vigil for Students, Teachers and Staff at the Clarenville College of North Atlantic at 11:30am in room 119 and at the Bonavista College of North Atlantic at 10:30am in the cafeteria.
Posted 17 November 2011, 9:54 am NST
The Purple Ribbon Campaign started across the Province November 25, 2011. This campaign is to help create awareness and prevent violence against women in the province. The goals of the campaign are to make the unacceptability of violence against women a topic that can be openly discussed in our province,promote understanding of the issue of violence against women, and encourage all members of the public to become involved in efforts to prevent violence against women at the community level. The purple ribbon campaign shares many of the same goals and messages as the Respect Women Campaign(
Starts November 25, 2011 ERCAV will be giving out Purple Ribbon Magnets and Pins to the Community and Government Departments.
Posted 17 November 2011, 9:31 am NST
"The Healing Power of Forgiveness" Embracing The Man Who Murdered My Father

Anne Marie Hagan tells an amazing true story that changed her life, and will probably change yours. Anne Marie's journey from tragedy to forgiveness instills, hope and invigorates the human spirit. Anne Marie started her speaking career in 2002. Since then she has spoken to more than 20,000 people across Canada. She was chosen as the 2004 influential person of the Year by Downhomer, was profiled in the W-Five TV documentary and CBC TV and radio.

Anne Marie Hagan will be at the Clarenville Event Centre Nov.29/11 7:00pm
free of charge for the public.
She will also be at the Garrick Theatre Nov.30/11 7:00pm
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