Posted 25 November 2015, 9:18 am NST
Today is the start of our Purple Ribbon Campaign. Purple Ribbons will be given out at both Tim Horton's in Clarenville and at Robin's Donuts in Bonavista and Arnold's Cove. Also today at Recess time schools throughout the region will have booths set up to paint the students pinky's purple in respect for women.
Posted 22 September 2015, 11:14 am NDT

Drink Coasters
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For Sexual Violence Awareness Week Sept 14- Sept 20/15 ERCAV gave out coasters to local bars on "Who's Watching Your Drink"
Posted 22 September 2015, 11:12 am NDT
To raise awareness for World Elder Abuse Awareness Day, ERCAV gave out 23 hot meals to senior's in need.
Posted 02 March 2015, 10:35 am NST
For detail on activities for Violence Prevention Month 2015 just go to our News:)
Posted 02 March 2015, 10:25 am NST
February 23 and 24/15 Michael Gaultios will be speaking to Bishop White, St.Marks and Heritage on "life Choices"
February 25/15 Coordinator will be in Southwest Arm for Stand Up Day Activities and having a presentation on Healthy Relationships.
Throughout the region, schools have recieved Pink Helium Balloons from ERCAV to write Acts of Kindness on each balloon. These Balloons are place in schools front entrances.
A Community Grant has been given out on Violence Prevention Activities.
Over 3000 placemats have been given out to Restaurant's throughout the communities on Violence Prevention, Stats and Resources.
Weekly Ads on different types of abuse and violence have been put in our local paper, the Packet for the month of February and March.
February 25/15 Coordinator will be in Southwest Arm for Stand Up Day Activities and having a presentation on Healthy Relationships.
Throughout the region, schools have recieved Pink Helium Balloons from ERCAV to write Acts of Kindness on each balloon. These Balloons are place in schools front entrances.
A Community Grant has been given out on Violence Prevention Activities.
Over 3000 placemats have been given out to Restaurant's throughout the communities on Violence Prevention, Stats and Resources.
Weekly Ads on different types of abuse and violence have been put in our local paper, the Packet for the month of February and March.
Posted 02 March 2015, 10:23 am NST
Feb 22/15 at 3:00pm there will be a free movie (Annie)hosted by ERCAV for Violence Prevention Month
Posted 09 December 2014, 9:09 am NST

Sex with consent is sexy!
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Sex with consent is sexy!!