Violence Prevention East
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Purple Ribbon Campaign 2024
The 16 Days of Activism Against Gender-based Violence, also known as the Purple Ribbon Campaign, runs from November 25th to December 10th, 2024.

November 25th: International Day for the Elimination of Violence Against Women

The International Day for the Elimination of Violence Against Women was designated in 1999 by the United Nations General Assembly. The date of November 25th was chosen to commemorate the lives of the Mirabal sisters from the Dominican Republic who were violently assassinated in 1960. The day pays tribute to them and urges global recognition of gender-based violence.

December 6th: National Day of Remembrance and Action on Violence Against Women
On December 6th, 1989, 14 young women's lives were taken at Polytechnique Montréal. This act of violent misogyny shook our country and led Parliament to designate December 6 as The National Day of Remembrance and Action on Violence Against Women.

The National Day of Remembrance and Action on Violence Against Women is about remembering those who have experienced gender-based violence and those who we have lost to it. It is also a time to take action. Achieving a country free from gender-based violence requires everyone to educate themselves and their families and communities on gender-based violence, centre the voices of survivors in our actions and speak up against harmful behaviours.

December 10th: Human Rights Day
Human Rights Day is celebrated every year on December 10 — the day on which the United Nations General Assembly (UNGA) adopted the Universal Declaration of Human Rights in 1948.

The Declaration states that each person is entitled to fundamental rights, including the right to equality, and the right to life, liberty and security of the person. It also recognizes the right to freedom of religion and speech and the right to participate in the cultural life of the community.
White Ribbon Campaign
The offical launching of the White Ribbon Campaign will be held at the Clarenville Caribous hockey game, November 13, 2010. After the hockey game a banner with the caribous pledge will be permanently place in the front entrance of the Event Center.
National Day of Remembrance and Action on Violence Against Women December 6, 2010
December 6, 2010 at 12:00pm there will be a Remembrance Day Vigil for the Students, Teachers and Staff of the Clarenville's College of the North Atlantic.
Also December 6, 2010 at 10:30 am Bonavista's College of the North Atlantic will have a Remembrance Day Vigil for the Students, Teachers and Staff. Both of these Vigils will be hosted by the Students of the College of the North Atlantic.
Purple Ribbon Campaign
The Purple Ribbon Campaign started across the Province November 25, 2010. This campaign is to help create awareness and prevent violence against women in the province. The goals of the campaign are to make the unacceptability of violence against women a topic that can be openly discussed in our province,promote understanding of the issue of violence against women, and encourage all members of the public to become involved in efforts to prevent violence against women at the community level. The purple ribbon campaign shares many of the same goals and messages as the Respect Women Campaign(
Started November 25, 2010 ERCAV will be giving out Purple Ribbon Magnets and Pins at Tim Horton's at 8:00am. November 26, 2010 ERCAV will be at the Hospital and other Community Groups and Government Departments handing out Magnets and Pins.
February is Violence Prevention Month
For February Month there will be a ad every week in the Packet around different types of violence and prevention.
February 19,2011 Eastern Region Committee Against Violence will be sponsoring a FREE SKATE at the Clarenville Stadium from 6:00pm-7:00pm. There will be information displayed and FREE hot chocolate!! All ages welcome.
Februaruy 20,2011 ERCAV will be sponsoring a Sliding Event for Clarenville's Winter Carnival. This will be held off Shoal Harbouar Drive by the Water Supply from 3:00pm-4:30pm.
The week of February 21,2011 there will be a number of activities being held at different schools throughout the region for Stand Up Day!
August 9,2011 there will be a day for World Elder Abuse Awareness Day
In honour of this important day, the Eastern Region Committee Against Violence will be hosting an evening of entertainment for Seniors in the Clarenville Area in hopes to raise awareness of this important problem in our society.
Please join us August 9,2011 at 6:30pm at the Elizabeth Swan Park!
Entertainment by: SLAINTE
Snacks and refreshments will be provided.
Anne Marie Hagan, Motivational Speaker 2011
"The Healing Power of Forgiveness" Embracing The Man Who Murdered My Father
Annie Marie Hagan will be at the Clarenville Event Centre Nov 29/11 at 7:00pm
She will also be a the Garrick Theatre Nov.30/11 at 7:00pm. Both events are free of charge to the public.
Purple Ribbon Campaign
The Purple Ribbon Campaign started across the Province November 25, 2011. This campaign is to help create awareness and prevent violence against women in the province. The goals of the campaign are to make the unacceptability of violence against women a topic that can be openly discussed in our province,promote understanding of the issue of violence against women, and encourage all members of the public to become involved in efforts to prevent violence against women at the community level. The purple ribbon campaign shares many of the same goals and messages as the Respect Women Campaign(
Starts November 25, 2011 ERCAV will be giving out Purple Ribbon Magnets and Pins to the Community and Government Departments.
Dec 6/11 vigil (larger version)
National Day of Remembrance and Action on Violence Against Women December 6, 2011
December 6, 2011 at 11:30am in room 119 there will be a Remembrance Day Vigil for the Students, Teachers and Staff for the College of North Atlantic in Clarenville.

December 6, 2011 at 10:30 in the cafeteria there will be a Remembrance Day Vigil for the Students, Teachers and Staff for the College of North Atlantic in Bonavista.

Why are we so touched by the Montreal Massacre? It happened 22 years ago. We did not know the 14 women....yet people all over the country are deeply touched by this tragedy.
This tragedy also gives us the opportunity to raise awareness and keep violence prevention at the forefront. Violence prevention is everyone's concern and our goal is to expand violence prevention initiatives throughout our communities in the province.
February is Violence Prevention Month
Durning Violence Prevention Month there will be a number of activities happening around our different communities. February 8/11 at 6:00pm the coordinator for ERCAV will be going to Southern Harbour to their Brownie group and having activities around Acts Of Kindness. February 21/12 a presentation at our local CYN on anti-bullying. February 18/12 there will be a free skate at our CEC at 6:00pm to raise awareness around violence. All ages are welcome. February 19/12 ERCAV with partnership with Winter Carnival with host a sliding event from 2-3pm in Shoal Harbour at Clearwater. February 28/12 Micheal Gaultois a motivational speaker on anti-bullying will be going to Random Island Academy and Anthony Paddon Elementary. February 29/12 there will be Stand Up Day activities througout the schools. ERCAV will host a Anti-Bullying drawing and T-Shirt contest.
International Women's Day
International Women's Day is celebrated worldwide March 8. It was started in 1908 where women join forces to march to Union Square demanding higher wages,better living and working conditions, and the right to vote!
Today March 8/12 at our local CYN in Clarenville, Eastern Region Committee Against Violence will partner with Women In Resource Development to celebrate with our local girls youth. We will host a lunch and some information for the girls. This years theme is "Connecting girls, inspiring futures"
March 28/2012 we will host a lunch with the Family Resource Centre's Healthly baby group of mothers in Bonavista, to celebrate International Women's Day.
June 15th is World Elder Abuse Awareness Day
World Elder Abuse Awareness day is June 15th. Did you know that 41.8% of people in the Eastern Region who participated in the 2010 Provincial Survey of Attitude Towards Violence and Abuse were very concerned about the level of violence and abuse towards the older persons.
You are invited to a musical drama "Spancel" for seniors and anyone who may work with seniors on July 15,2012, at the Clarenville Events Centre 2:00pm. Spancel is a musical drama which tells the compelling tale of an old fishman by weaving nostalgic Newfoundland and Irish language songs throughout the play.
Admission is free and refreshment will be served.
February 2013 is Violence Prevention Month
For February Month there will be a ad every week in the Packet around different types of violence and prevention.
February 24,2013 Eastern Region Committee Against Violence will be sponsoring a FREE SKATE at the Cabot Stadium from 3:00pm-4:00pm. There will be information displayed and FREE hot chocolate!! All ages welcome.
The week of February 27,2013 there will be a number of activities being held at different schools throughout the region for Stand Up Day!
ERCAV will be putting out placemats to Restaurants in the region around Violence Prevention, Facts, important contacts numbers and information on ERCAV and VPI.
Elder Abuse Projection with the seniors/youth of our communities 2013
May 28/13 there will be a skit on Elder Abuse performed by our seniors and youth of our communities at Elizabeth Swan Chalet. The Skit was sponsored by ERCAV in partnership with Youthtube. They will perform it again June 6 at Youthtube at 3:00pm and again June 12 at Clarenville Retirement Centre at 3:00pm. All are welcome.
National Day of Rembrance and Action on Violence Agaist Women December 6th,1989
Starting today at the College of North Atlantic in Clarenville there will be a display set up in remembrance of the women who lost their lives December 6th,1989. Please take a few minutes to remember these women and all other women who have lost their lives due to violence.
February Is Violence Prevention Month 2014
For the Month of Jan, Feb and March there are weekly Ads on Violence Prevention and different types of ABUSE.
Feb. month we have a community grant out for the community.
You will see Placemats throughout the region at different restaurants on Violence Prevention.
Michael Gaultois will be out speaking at Tricentia and Swift Current Academy.
Feb.16 4:30-5:20 at CEC will be a free skate hosted by ERCAV
Stand Up Day Activities Feb. 26/14
Presentations throughout the communities..
Healthy Relationships Sept 16 and 17/14
ERCAV with Community support worker from mental health will be having session on Healthy Relationships Sept 16/14 for ages 12-18 at 3:00pm at YouthTube. All are welcome.. Free Pizza:)
Sept 17/14 we will be having another session for ages 8-11.. All are welcome.. Free Pizza:)
Oct 11/2014 International Day of the Girl
To celebrate this day ERCAV will be hosting Girls Empowerment Groups at Youth Tube starting Oct 14/ 2014 at 3:00pm and will be having 5 sessions over the next couple of months. For any information you can contact ERCAV or Youth Tube.

Girls throughout the world face higher rates of violence, poverty, discrimination. In Canada, girls have higher rates of depression, sexual harassment and dating violence. There is a growing recognition around the world that support for girls and their basic human rights is the key for healthy communities. Improving girls lives has a ripple effect. What is good for them is good for all of us.
Drink Coasters (larger version)
Sexual Violence Awareness Week 2015
For Sexual Violence Awareness Week, ERCAV will be giving out drink coasters to local bars on Who's Watching Your Drink"
November 25/2015 Launch of Purple Ribbon Campaign.
Today is the start of our Purple Ribbon Campaign. Purple Ribbons will be given out at both Tim Horton's in Clarenville and at Robin's Donuts in Bonavista and Arnold's Cove. Also today at Recess time schools throughout the region will have booths set up to paint the students pinky's purple in respect for women.

Reach Out
Take action to prevent violence against women.
December 6, is recognized as the National Day of Remembrance.
December 6,1989, 14 women were murdered at l'Ecole Polytechnique in Montreal simply because they were women. December 6th is recognized as the National Day of Remembrance and Action on Violence Against Women. The Purple Ribbon Campaign promotes awareness about the prevention of violence against women and also honours the memory of women who have been abused or who have died due to a violent situation. Take a moment to remember these women.

There is a purple Christmas tree in the hallway between Sobeys and the mall in Clarenville to honor all of these women.

Also schools in our region will be having a moment of silence and showing a clip on what had happened that day to all of those women.
Coaster Campaign (larger version)
Sexual Violence Awareness Week 2016
Sexual Violence Awareness Week 2016

For Sexual Violence Awareness Week Sept 12- Sept 16/16 ERCAV will gave out coasters to local bars on "Who's Watching Your Drink"
For the 27 anniversay of the Montreal Masscra December 6/2016
Christmas Tree in honor of those women who lost their lives violently. These decal trees will be place at College of North Atlantic in Clarenville, Bonavista ans at the office of ERCAV. At Sobeys in Clarenville there will be a actual Christmas tree decorate in purple decoration in honor of the 14 women who lost their lives on December 6/1989 and for the women in our own province who lost their lives due to a violently situation.
World Elder Abuse Awareness Day June 15/2017
World Elder Abuse Awareness Day June 15/2017

Posted 12 June 2017, 9:20 am NDT

World Elder Abuse Awareness Day June 15/2017

Violence Prevention East, will be distributing local placemats to restaurants on June 15 in our region with information on Elder Abuse, Financial Abuse, What Should I Do and Where To Get Help? Call 911 for emergencies or situations requiring the police. Contact your Regional Health Authority at 1-855-376-4957( no long distance charges will apply) to report an adult who may be at risk of abuse or neglect, and who does not understand or appreciate that risk. Contact SeniorsNL's information and Referral Line, toll free, at 1-800-563-5599.

May 19/17 VPE Executive Director with present to Trinity Historical group for a lunch and learn.

June 8/17 VPE Executive Director will host lunch for the gather group and youth at Youthtube for WEAAD.

June 15, 2017... The Road to Random Age-Friendly Communities

Free Lunch & Learn Session to Highlight World Elder Abuse Awareness Day. Purpose of event is to help older adults become aware of and prevent financial abuse. Presentation by Leo Bonnell, Community Peer Support Volunteer, SeniorsNL. All seniors and their families are invited. Tracey Fleming from VPE will present.

Date and Time: Thursday, June 15, 2017, from 2:00 to 4:00pm

Location: Bill Davis Chalet, 44 Tilley's Road, Clarenville.

Contact: For more information, contact Brenda at 466-2870



News: 94,134 visits since July 03, 2009

Sexual Violence Awareness Week 2017
Learn what sexual assault is. Know your rights, set boundaries, practice active consent, be an empowered bystander.

Violence Prevention East will distributing Coasters to local bars/pubs to raise awareness about drinking smart and not leaving your drink unattended.
Violence Prevention East will also distributing posters throughout the communities on Stalking and Consent. ( Ask First, Consent is Hot, Assault is Not)
Purple Ribbon Campaign 2017
November 25th is International Day for Elimination of Violence Against Women and December 6 is the National Day of Remembrance and Action on Violence Against Women.

We are looking to the business community to help us create awareness and prevent violence against women by hanging purple lights in their local business window.

To start the campaign, Violence Prevention East will drop off purple lights in honor of women who have been victims of violence or who have lost their lives to a violent situation.

80% of victims of intimate partner violence in NL, are women.
86% of victims of intimate partner homicides in NL, are women.

If your local business is interested please contact
Tracey Fleming (Executive Director) for Violence Prevention East at 466-4676/or email
Celebrating Diversity! (larger version)
Celebrating Diversity In Clarenville 2021
VPE would like thank the town of Clarenville and their summer students in helping us paint panic tables and benches at 6 different playgrounds/parks throughout Clarenville and Shoal Harbour to show our support to the 2SLGBTQIA+ community. We love partnering and supporting diversity within our communities. ❤️🧡💛💚💙💜

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